Wednesday, June 02, 2010

iPad Thoughts and Apps I Want

ReadWriteWeb is reporting  on Steve Jobs talk at the D8 conference: "Tablets will Usher in Post-PC Era. I've had an iPad in my mits for fifteen minutes, at most. No real basis for comment... Just some thoughts.
Many people bitched about the hardware/design at the announcement (over-sized iPhone, bezel size, lack of ports). I don't see major issues with this:

  • It is an over-sized iPhone. I read lots of the web on my iPhone - simply a bigger a screen would greatly improve the experience.

  • Bezel size: I would find it hard to bet against Apple's user experience people here. I think they figured that this machine will be grasped rather than laid flat.

  • You know that Apple will add some ports in future versions.  In any case, the Apple and third party docks will handle card readers, usb, etc... for the interim. Simple clean design for the masses wins here.

  • If you can believe Apple, they didn't want to build the tablet, but responded to consumer demand and the closing of the eBook opportunity. This meant that they didn't have a huge amount of time to totally revamp the OS. That'll wait to the fifth generation iPhone/iPad OS next year.
    This product is about extending the iTunes franchise. Apple has figured out most people  don't want to screw around with computers when adding applications. They are happy to have Apple be their Walmart, controlling what is appropriate for them to buy. Here is a selection of apps where the tablet screen size would perfect. Only one exists now:
    • Epicurious- I have four folders of recipes, most printed from Epicurious. Boy, would it be nice to stop printing and have the recipe display full screen behind a splashguard. I have the iPhone app, but it isn't big enough.
    • Rebirth - I loved this synthesizer simulator when it came out for PC back in 1997. They have re-released it for iPhone, but the screen size is too small and it looks like it requires lots of finicky scrolling. Release this for iPad.
    • iBird Explorer - I love this app on the iPhone. I have used it in the field to identify birds, but rarely go back to it when sitting at home. Put it on a bigger screen and it will replace the Sibley.
    I am waiting for the Google tablet, but these apps would tempt me.

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